Attribute (-2)
Name | Wert |
Geschicklichkeit | W6 |
Konstitution | W6 |
Stärke | W8 |
Verstand | W6 |
Willenskraft | W8 |
Abgeleitete Werte
Name | Wert |
Parade | 5 |
Robustheit | 8 (2) |
Bewegungsweite | 6 (W6) |
Größe | 1 |
Rang | Anfänger |
Stufe | 0 |
Fertigkeiten (0)
Name | Wert |
Allgemeinwissen | W6 |
Athletik | W6 |
Darbietung | W6 |
Diebeskunst | |
Einschüchtern | W4 |
Fahren | |
Geisteswissenschaften | |
Glaube | |
Glücksspiel | W4 |
Heilen | W6 |
Heimlichkeit | W4 |
Kämpfen | W6 |
Kriegskunst | |
Naturwissenschaften | |
Okkultismus | W4 |
Pilot | |
Provozieren | |
Reiten | |
Reparieren | |
Schießen | |
Seefahrt | |
Sprache | |
Überleben | W4 |
Überreden | W4 |
Wahrnehmung | W4 |
Zaubern |
- Gegenstand herbeirufen
- Heilen
- Verbündeten beschwören
Sprachen (0)
Name | Wert |
Gemeinsprache | 8 |
Zwergisch | 6 |
Riesisch | 6 |
Sylvan | 6 |
Mensch (Anpassungsfähig)
Nachteile (+4)
- Dünnhäutig (leicht)
- Tick (leicht)
- Übermütig (schwer)
Talente (-2):
- Barde
- Heiler
- Kräftig
- Abenteurerpaket
- Heilerpaket
- Lederrüstung, -hose, -kappe
- Leichter Schild
- 3 Messer
- Streitkolben
- Rapier
- Knüppel
- Stab
- Zweihänder
Übermütig (schwer) [SWADE 28, SP 29]
Es gibt nichts, was dein Held nicht schaffen kann. Zumindest glaubt er das. Er denkt auch, dass er so gut wie alles leisten kann und würde niemals von einer Herausforderung zurückschrecken. Er ist nicht selbstmörderisch, doch traut er sich ohne Frage mehr zu, als ratsam ist.
Tick (leicht) [SWADE 28, SP 30]
Diese Person hat eine kleinere Macke, die normalerweise amüsant ist, aber ihm manchmal auch wirklich in Schwierigkeiten bringen kann. Ein Fechter versucht vielleicht immer, seine Initialen in seine Feinde zu ritzen, ein Zwerg prahlt die ganze Zeit mit der Überlegenheit seiner Kultur, oder eine versnobte Debütantin weigert sich, mit der Unterschicht zu essen, zu trinken oder sich auch nur mit ihr abzugeben.
Dünnhäutig (leicht) [SWADE 23, SP 31]
Persönliche Angriffe gehen dem Charakter wirklich unter die Haut. Bei einem leichten Handicap erleidet er einen Abzug von –2, wenn er Provozieren-Angriffen widerstehen will.
Kräftig [SWADE 39, SP 41]
(Anfänger, Stärke W6+, Konstitution W6+)
Dein Charakter ist sehr groß oder sehr fit. Seine Größe steigt um +1 (und somit auch seine Robustheit), und er behandelt seine Stärke als um einen Würfeltyp höher, wenn es um die Ermittlung von Behinderung (siehe Seite 67) und Mindeststärke geht, damit Rüstungen, Waffen und Ausrüstungsgegenstände ohne Abzug verwendet werden können.
Kräftig kann die Größe eines Charakters nicht über +3 anheben.
Heiler [SWADE 52, SP 88]
(Anfänger, Willenskraft W8+)
Ein Held mit diesem Talent addiert +2 auf alle Heilenproben, egal ob sie natürlicher oder magischer Natur sind.
Bard [SP 46]
(Novice, Spirit d6+, Common Knowledge d6+)
The bards bring epic tales of heroism and tragedy to the people. Many are renowned far and wide for their talents, but few realize how crucial they are to parties of brave adventurers. They bolster their allies in dire circumstances, beguile their enemies, and often battle evil with a sword in one hand and a lute in the other.
Bards cast spells by singing, reciting poetry, or reciting epic tales. They are usually erudite individuals, traveling the land to learn bawdy songs, great histories, and epic legends.
Allies must be able to hear the bard to benefit from his various abilities.
- Arcane Background (Bard): Bards use Performance as their arcane skill. They have 3 starting powers and 10 Power Points.
Available Powers: Arcane protection, banish, beast friend, boost/lower Trait, confusion, deflection, detect/conceal arcana, conjure item, dispel, divination, drain Power Points, empathy, fear, healing, illusion, mind link, mind reading, object reading, puppet, sloth/speed, slumber, sound/silence, speak language, stun, summon ally, teleport, warrior’s gift. - Armor Interference (Light): Bulky armor interferes with a bard’s grace and dexterity. They subtract 4 from their Performance rolls and from their Agility and Agility-based skill rolls if using medium or heavy armor or shields.
- Sharp Tongued: Bards may use Performance as Taunt to Test a foe. They may also ignore the Repetition advice given under Tests (see page 140), as long as they recite different verses, stanzas, lyrics, etc. Bards may also substitute Performance for Taunt to meet Edge Requirements.
Conjure Item [SP 180]
Rank: Novice
Power Points: 2 per pound
Range: Smarts
Duration: One hour
School: Conjuration
Trappings: Light that forms the item’s silhouette, reaching into a magic bag, shaping dirt or clay into the item, pulling the item from a drawing or painting.
The caster can create an object weighing up to one pound for every 2 Power Points spent. The item must be a simple, mundane object made of a common material (GM’s call) such as a 10-foot pole, blanket, shield, etc. A raise on the arcane skill roll produces an more durable version of the conjured item.
Conjured items appear in the hands of the caster or on the ground nearby. Once the Duration expires, the item fades from reality. This can cause issues, for example, if the conjured item holds a door open or was given as a gift.
- Complete (+1): The object is a complete set, such as a chess set or a quiver of arrows. The set must fit under the weight limit.
- Create Food and Water (Special): Instead of an object, every 1 Power Point creates enough food and water to sustain a Size 0 humanoid for one day. The nourishing food is permanent (doesn’t disappear after you eat it), though it decays and is inedible after 24 hours if not consumed. The water is just like clean rainwater and does not spoil.
- Durable (+1 per pound): The object’s Duration becomes “permanent” until dispelled. The Power Points are “invested” and unavailable until it’s destroyed, dispelled, or dismissed by the caster. The conjurer may dismiss the object at any time, regardless of sight, distance, or other factors. His Power Points then begin recharging normally.
Healing [SP 187]
Rank: Novice
Power Points: 3
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
School: Conjuration
Trappings: Laying on hands, touching the victim with a holy symbol, prayer.
Healing removes Wounds less than an hour old. A success removes one Wound, and a raise removes two. The power may be cast additional times to remove additional Wounds within that hour and as long as the healer has enough Power Points.
For Extras, the GM must first determine if the ally is still alive (see Aftermath, page 159). If so, a successful arcane skill roll returns the ally to action (Shaken if it matters.)
- Greater Healing (+10): Greater healing can restore any Wound, including those more than an hour old.
- Crippling Injuries (+15): The power can heal a permanent Crippling Injury (see Incapacitation, page 126). This requires an hour of preparation and only one casting is permitted per injury. If it fails, this caster cannot heal that particular injury (but someone else may try). If successful, the subject is Exhausted for 24 hours.
- Mass Healing (+2/+3): For +2 Power Points, healing affects all allies within a Medium Blast Template centered on the caster (or a Large Blast Template for +3).
- Neutralize Poison or Disease (+1): A successful healing roll negates any poison or disease. If the poison or disease has a bonus or penalty associated with it, the modifier applies to the arcane skill roll as well.
Summon Ally [SP 196]
Rank: Novice
Power Points: Special
Range: Smarts
Duration: 5
School: Conjuration
Trappings: Clay figure that grows into a servant, a tattoo that comes to life.
This power allows the character to summon a magical servant from nothing. The ally typically takes the form of a basic humanoid of the appropriate Size but can appear differently based on the caster’s Trappings. It materializes anywhere in Range, and with a raise on the arcane skill roll, it’s Resilient as well.
The ally acts on its creator’s Action Card and follows her commands to the best of its ability. It has no personality, creativity, or emotions. When the power ends or the ally is Incapacitated, it fades into nothingness, leaving no trace behind.
The type of servant that can be summoned depends on the caster’s Rank. With the GM’s approval, the player may swap abilities. If a hero wants an attendant in the form of a wolf, for example, the caster might exchange the Shooting skill for Survival so that the “animal” can track its foes.
Summon Ally
Rank | Cost | Servant |
Novice | 2 | Attendant |
Seasoned | 4 | Bodyguard |
Veteran | 6 | Mirror Self* |
Heroic | 8 | Sentinel |
*Mirror Self costs +2 power points per Rank above Veteran to a maximum of 10 PPs at Legendary.
- Additional Allies (Varies): Additional allies of the same type may be summoned at the same time for half the Power Points cost of the original summons (total cost including modifiers, rounded up).
- Bite/Claw (+1): The ally can bite or claw at Str+d6.
- Combat Edge (+1): The ally has a Combat Edge (it must meet the Requirements as usual). You may take this modifier up to three times per ally.
- Flight (+2): The ally can fly at Pace 12.
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d4, Spirit d4, Strength d4, Vigor d4
Skills: Athletics d4, Fighting d4, Notice d4, Shooting d4, Stealth d6
Pace: 4; Parry: 4; Toughness: 4
Special Abilities:
- Claw: Str+d4.
- Construct: +2 to recover from being Shaken; ignore 1 point of Wound penalties; doesn’t breathe, immune to poison and disease.
- Fearless: Immune to fear and Intimidation.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d4, Shooting d4, Stealth d4
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 7 (2)
Edges: First Strike
Gear: Melee attack (Str+d6)
Special Abilities:
- Armor +2: Hardened skin.
- Construct: See Attendant.
- Fearless: Immune to fear and Intimidation.
Mirror Self
The ally is a clone of the caster except: it’s an Extra; it has the same number of current Power Points as the caster after subtracting for this casting; it cannot use the summon ally power; its skills (but not attributes) are one die type less (minimum d4) than the original; it has identical mundane equipment (no magical qualities, disappears when the power expires); has the Construct and Fearless abilities.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d12+2, Vigor d10
Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d10, Intimidation d10, Notice d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 13 (4)
Edges: Arcane Resistance, Sweep (Imp).
Gear: Melee attack (Str+d8)
Special Abilities:
- Armor +4: Stone skin.
- Construct: See Attendant.
- Fearless: Immune to fear and Intimidation.
- Size 2: Sentinels are 8’ tall and very dense.
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